A mesmerizing aural postcard of faded Afghan memories and dreamworlds from Nicolas Sheikholeslami (Çaykh Recordings). Kabul Intercontinental is a hypnotic and beautiful mixtape of (almost) lost & forgotten retro gems from the graveyard of empires, a land of many tongues and heartache, where people know all too well that the end of dreams is the dream of the system.
Exploring yet another portal of the Silk Road, Nicolas invites us to take a glimpse into a magical prism of Afghani culture. As we hold the splendid crystal towards the sun, the fog begins to lift, revealing a pool filled with melted snow from the highest mountains and tears cried for love that couldn’t be. Mysterious, dampened sounds from underwater and the scent of rose water fill the air. Slowly, an otherworldly singing emerges. A glass of the most precious tea awaits us at a nearby table. We sit and we listen.
Curated & mastered by Nicolas Sheikholeslami, a Hamburg-born, Berlin-based DJ and producer. Çaykh’s three earlier sound-collage cassette releases have already earned him a certain fame in the 4th-world and outsider-disco realms. His collection of pre-war Somali music called “Au revoir, Mogadishu“ paved the way for the Grammy-nominated “Sweet as Broken Dates“ compilation (Ostinato Records), which he co-curated. He is active as drummer & percussionist for the projects Spiritczualic Enhancement Center and Circuit Diagram.
Music By Abdul Ahad Sahar Ahmad Wali Ahmad Zahir Dariush Dolat-Shahi Hangama Huma Kabul Radio Orchestra Nadia Rahim Khushnawaz Rohullah Roheen Seema Tarana Tela Mohammad Takhari Ustad Mahwash Vaheed Kaacemy Wajiha Rastagar Zafar Shamel.